MiRaNdA DaVeNpoRt made an appointment, and had her hair styled for the Friday Happy Hour. The Starlight Lounge was her destination. She requested the hair dip over her left eye. Miranda sensed it might be the key to attracting an available suitor. However, the Starlight was packed. It was shoulder to shoulder, and steamy. Miranda had nixed the recommendation of a second coat of Bonnie’s Beauty hair spray. A few unruly sprigs had sprung. Miss Miranda would surely be devastated if she caught herself in the mirror. But there was Phil Cunningham, he had his eye on her, and found the sprigs charming. Miranda also spotted Phil. She was enchanted with his auburn sideburns. Phil squeezed his way toward Miranda. Their shoulders met. Sprigs, or no sprigs, the Starlight lounge had made a connection.🍷💗🍸