Christa & Eloise are best friends for life. They do everything together. They even pricked their fingers and smooshed them together to become true sisters.
Each begged Mrs. Sanderson, their 4th grade teacher, to let them perform together, their very special improv dance on Valentine’s Day. Emphasis on improv- neither knew how to dance well, and just intended to fake it.
This performance was actually a disguised plan to profess their love for the Stipple twins, Charlie & Lance. A dance instead of a paper card would surely capture their 4th grade boy hearts.
Eloises’s mom sewed glittery felt hearts onto their favorite leotards and created princess tiaras to match. These were professional costumes.
The time arrived, the Valentine dancers were a bit nervous, but calmed each other with their “besties for the resties” secret handshake.
The dance began. Christa and Eloise skipped, leaped, flung, and bounced their little bodies until they were dizzy. They ended with a curtsy and both gave a dead-eyed stare at their crushes. Then, with all the voice they could muster, they shouted in unison, “This Valentine dance is for Charlie and Lance.“ Immediately, all of the 4 th graders whistled loudly, “Ewwwwwwwww”. And then there was silence as the teacher cut them short.
At recess that morning , Christa & Eloise were found on the playground trading Valentine tattoos with the Stipple twins.
Noting their outcome, perhaps on this Valentine’s Day, follow suit of these girls. Bare your heart in a unique fashion.—You may just capture the Valentine of your dreams. <3