CaMeLBacK STuDiO TouR Saturday & SuNdaY! I will be in Studio 2 5702 E. Wilshire Dr. Scottsdale 85257julesNov 8, 20220 min readI will have paiNtiNgS, PriNts, CaLenDaRs, CaRdS & some other JuLeS creAtioNS! Hope to seeeeeee YOU! <3
I will have paiNtiNgS, PriNts, CaLenDaRs, CaRdS & some other JuLeS creAtioNS! Hope to seeeeeee YOU! <3
FloWeRs IreNe, MiKe, & KaT HappiLy ShaRinG a Bag of Sour Balls When the Adjacent Vase Began JaMMing to RoCk MuSic & the Sour Balls Went FlyiNg...
I Just Finished "Darlene the Butterfly" Metal Sculpture for the "Take Flight 2025" Phoenix Rotary Club Auction to Be Held in April at Shemer Art Center <3 I'm so excited to be a part of this!